4 Ways To Encourage Others To Grow Your Business

Do you sometimes wonder how to grow your business with encouragement?

It sounds counterintuitive to some, I would imagine. It might even sound a bit “airy fairy”. That’s ok, because I have proven it’s effective.

I used to think it was cheesy. I doubted myself.

Until a few years ago.

People identify me as an “encourager” and “connector”.

Many of these people had never met me in person. They only saw my online, public persona.

Being in the community building industry, specializing in Social Media Marketing, it took me a while to embrace and accept my true nature.
I’m an encourager, for sure. I can’t help connecting with and building up others. It’s who I am.

I take a lot of pleasure out of encouraging others, helping to boost their businesses forward.

And guess what. It has a positive effect on my own business growth.

What does it take to be a true encourager? It actually has everything to do with who we are, inside and out, as human beings. It transcends all media, online, and offline.

If you are not naturally an encourager, here’s something you can do, on or offline:

1) Give a compliment, a genuine compliment.
2) Share someone else’s content, when the context makes sense and you know your audience will relate to it. I’m not talking about famous authors or celebrities. I’m talking about that person you’ve befriended on or offline, who writes a blog post that you resonate with.
Go even further than simply sharing someone else’s post.
Make a comment, curate it to make it relevant for YOUR audience.
3) Make time to meet people in person, whenever possible.
Try doing this once a month to start. It’s so rewarding, and it makes a big difference.
4) Record live video, with encouraging messages. If you don’t know how,
or you’re nervous, let me know and I’ll recommend someone to support you.

Over the years, I’ve practiced (yes, it is a practice) all of the above on a regular basis.

If I hadn’t seen the results in my business growth and reputation, I wouldn’t have believed that this is a simple and yet powerful component in business development.

I’d love to know if this makes any sense to you. If so, will you try it out or do you have any experiences to share about how this has worked well in your life and business?

Thank you for reading, and I hope to meet you in person, or at least online, soon!

Lynn Abaté-Johnson

Queen Of Community, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, 2X International Bestselling Author, Global Business Consultant. biosite


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