Welcome Back!
Welcome back to my new, fresh blog!
Here’s a “catch-up” about what’s been happening since the last time i posted, and where we are taking it from here.
In 2017, monumental changes took place in my business.
Realizing I could not keep up the status quo, I was forced to reassess. I was pretty beaten down, emotionally, although I was still extremely high-functioning. One thing i have learned to appreciate about myself is that I’ve taught myself to compartmentalize, shake off my circumstances, especially those beyond my control, and keep going, being productive, and making every effort to stay on top of those things that I CAN control.
My work is one of those things, in general. And (bonus!), I love my work.
I am a Business Consultant, meaning I get to help businesses grow, move forward.
And also, I am a Community Builder, so I get to help build community around brands, on and offline.
My approach is clean (no drama), holistic, and positive, with a strong focus on forging new relationships that flourish, year-after-year. This, to me, is like breathing.
It gives me life, and because of that, I thrive when I’m in the BEING and DOING of my work.
2017 was one of the most challenging years of my life.
I closed a business (sold my Vacation Rental home in Wellington, New Zealand) just prior to my mom’s surprise 80th birthday, and her death from ovarian cancer on May 1.
October 8 brought the Northern California wildfires which swept through our neighborhood, causing us to be evacuated for 14 days.
[ctt template=”7″ link=”ahb7p” via=”no”]This was more change, trauma, and identity-shifting in one year than I could have predicted. Sometimes life happens that way. I passed the test. I didn’t die, I didn’t miss a beat. I kept my promises,”[/ctt] rose to the occasion, and with the love and support of family & friends, I entered 2018 with a renewed sense of purpose. Declaring “Joyful Productivity” as my mantra for that year actually made a difference in my perspective.
Today, my mantra is: ALIGN.
No hustle, no grind.
Simply: ALIGN.
With this post, I’m re-launching my website. Rather than my previous business name, People Forward, which is more about what I do, I am now using my own name, focusing on who I AM for the clients I serve.
What got me to this point?
In 2018, I:
* hired a Business Coach, Bryan Kramer.
* relied more on my mentors than ever before.
* said YES to a great opportunity to represent the Co-Active Training Institute, as their “voice” on social media channels. This relationship, and the courses I’ve taken so far, through CTI, have layered more lessons and wonderful people into my life. It’s like preparing a beautiful recipe, folding in all the ingredients to make it pleasing for those I serve.
It seems like magic, really.
[ctt template=”7″ link=”w1Isy” via=”no”]As i “feed” myself, I’m strengthened to “feed” others I care about.
Do you ever notice that in your own life?[/ctt]
This year, I’m on new adventures which have taken me to Southern California as my base (at the beach in North San Diego County – a lifelong dream I never thought possible).
What I am up to today is in alignment with who I am. This is the springboard for more lessons, more fun, more relationships that matter. I choose my clients carefully, and the most important criteria are that they are conscious human beings, full of curiosity about how to grow their businesses.
I get to prioritize how I invest my resources (time, money, effort).
I’m also in the process of writing a book about what I learned through my mom’s six-and-a-half year cancer journey.
Thank you for being here with me. I can’t imagine my community without you, and all of those people who have lifted me up, been direct with me, and cared enough to guide me.
It feels great to be back to blogging again, on a roll with my business, and happily serving clients by helping them move forward, in the face of all the unpredictable circumstances life brings.
I am grateful beyond words. See you next time.
Showing my mom how to take a selfie, circa 2013